Thursday, October 31, 2019
Essay NO. U2 P2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
NO. U2 P2 - Essay Example These can be understood as part of the employability skills. For instance, the most required personal skills are flexibility and adaptability which means that employees are able to generate new ideas while also showing openness to different concepts presented to them. Moreover, people who have the ability of working independently are preferred most. An individual’s professionalism increases when he/she is able to act positively while maintaining all the required codes of ethics. Energy and positive attitude further helps in achieving difficult tasks. However, it should also be reflected in one’s personality, outlook, manners etc. Communication skills have very high significance when it comes to employability because an employee who does not have good verbal and written communication skills then he cannot work efficiently. These include the ability to maintain eye contact and clear pronunciation of words. Following are the most important communication skills: Open mindedness: Newly hired employees must have open mindedness towards their co-workers, managers and sub-ordinates. This will help them in generating positive emotions while respecting one another to a greater extent. It is usually helpful in outlining the skills, education and trainings required to perform by a job candidate. It helps employers to distinguish individuals on the basis of their application forms whereas employees also evaluate different work opportunities through the job description. It consists of following sub-sections: Attributes and requirements: In order to fulfill the organizational requirements employers outline certain attributes which they want to see in potential candidates. For instance, if the job requires machinery work then the specific machines to be used by the employee should be mentioned here. It also includes details about the work environment. Evaluation and
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Nurse Ratched Essay Example for Free
Nurse Ratched Essay A former army nurse, Nurse Ratched represents the oppressive mechanization, dehumanization, and emasculation of modern societyâ€â€in Bromden’s words, the Combine. Her nickname is â€Å"Big Nurse,†which sounds like Big Brother, the name used in George Orwell’s novel 1984 to refer to an oppressive and all-knowing authority. Bromden describes Ratched as being like a machine, and her behavior fits this description: even her name is reminiscent of a mechanical tool, sounding like both â€Å"ratchet†and â€Å"wretched.†She enters the novel, and the ward, â€Å"with a gust of cold. †Ratched has complete control over every aspect of the ward, as well as almost complete control over her own emotions. In the first few pages we see her show her â€Å"hideous self†to Bromden and the aides, only to regain her doll-like composure before any of the patients catch a glimpse. Her ability to present a false self suggests that the mechanistic and oppressive forces in society gain ascendance through the dishonesty of the powerful. Without being aware of the oppression, the quiet and docile slowly become weakened and gradually are subsumed. Nurse Ratched does possess a nonmechanical and undeniably human feature in her large bosom, which she conceals as best she can beneath a heavily starched uniform. Her large breasts both exude sexuality and emphasize her role as a twisted mother figure for the ward. She is able to act like â€Å"an angel of mercy†while at the same time shaming the patients into submission; she knows their weak spots and exactly where to peck. The patients try to please her during the Group Meetings by airing their dirtiest, darkest secrets, and then they feel deeply ashamed for how she made them act, even though they have done nothing. She maintains her power by the strategic use of shame and guilt, as well as by a determination to â€Å"divide and conquer†her patients. McMurphy manages to ruffle Ratched because he plays her game: he picks up on her weak spots right away. He uses his overt sexuality to throw her off her machinelike track, and he is not taken in by her thin facade of compassion or her falsely therapeutic tactics. When McMurphy rips her shirt open at the end of the novel, he symbolically exposes her hypocrisy and deceit, and she is never able to regain power.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Utilitarian Arguments For Thesis Statement
Utilitarian Arguments For Thesis Statement From our point of view, we agree that the procedures of women undergo scalpel is not morally justified. Therefore, people have no right to undergo scalpel even it is because of the beauty demanded by society. Utilitarian Arguments for Thesis Statement Utilitarian approach has proven that the procedures of women undergoing scalpel is not morally justified. This is because according to Act-Utilitarianism, an action is right only if the action produces more pleasure than pain for all parties. More important, it is not depending on the rules of morality that govern the action. We cannot deny that scalpel can make women prettier and more attractive. Therefore, it is definitely will produce more pleasure than pain for the women. However, this situation is only happen in the short run. Let look into the long run, if more and more women are undergoing scalpel, it will affect the perceptions about beauty in society. This is because everyone now is perfect like a doll and women who not undergoing scalpel will automatically considered as ugly. As a result, everyone will have a mindset that women must undergo scalpel then only can be considered a pretty woman. Moreover, scalpel may lead to several side effects and health issues in the future. The side effects and health issues caused by scalpel may become a burden to the women, her family as well as society. This is because the cost of these issues is mainly bear by the society. At that time, it is more pain than pleasure for everyone. This is because the consequences may not easily be recovered and it is impossible to return to the original state. Health Risks We begin with the most obvious of risks. Call it reconstructive, cosmetic, or plasticit is still surgery. People have risked and lost their lives and limbs, and suffered devastating disfigurement and scarring as a result of plastic surgery gone wrong. The worst outcomes are rare, but risk is nonetheless a reality. As quoted by (Natalie Kita, March 9,2009) By applying the Rule-utilitarianism, we have noticed that another point of view that supports our thesis statement. According to the Rule-utilitarianism, the action which means that follow the rules that general acceptance and produce the greatest balance of happiness is right. We all know that the outlook of one person is a present from God and we cannot overtake God to decide ones person outlook by undergoing scalpel. Although there are no rules and acts states that people undergo scalpel in search of beauty is prohibited and illegal. The rules of general acceptance are that no one can overtake God to decide our outlook by undergoing scalpel. Therefore, scalpel is not morally justified action. If the society continues this trend of scalpel, it may create several negative consequences from health risks to psychological and social. The health risk may include infection, tissue death, pneumonia, delayed healing and so on. The psychological and social risks may include the potential of inadequate of correction such as one may still feel ugly after scalpel. Based on the impacts, we can conclude that undergoing scalpel in search of beauty will create more harm than good. Utilitarian Arguments for Antithesis Statement Nowadays, social networks like Facebook has fundamentally changed the way people communicate and discover new things. Many people like to share their live with their friends or even a stranger. Therefore, these people start to demand a beauty appearance so that they can proudly share their photo or portrait online. In addition, people especially women start to level up their demand about beauty. They always want to become as pretty as some celebrity. Therefore, the only way for them to achieve this dream is by undergoing scalpel. For them, it is totally a moral justified behavior because they think that they have the right to decide their own appearance in order to fulfill the wants as well as the demand of beauty by the society. By virtue of hedonism, women undergoing scalpel is nothing wrong. Hedonism is the theory which emphasizes on pleasure and the absence of pain and therefore only the pleasure is ultimately good. For example, women can undergo scalpel in order to search for be auty appearance so that they can fulfill their dream and demand of the society. This is because a beauty appearance can brings pleasure to them. People from all over the world come to have their noses tweaked, chins thinned and fat removed and occasionally grafted onto another part of their face. Its not just a female thing males make up at least 30 percent of JK Plastic Surgery Clinics patients. JK Plastic Surgery Clinics foreign patients account for about 40 to 50 percent of the total number of patients. Of the foreign patients, Chinese make up about 70 percent. As quoted by (Violet Kim, August 9, 2012) This statement shows that it is morally justified and people have the right to undergo scalpel even a man. This is because scalpel is widely accepted all around the world and receive general acceptance from the society. In other words, nowadays, it is a pleasure to have a beautiful appearance after undergoing scalpel. Besides that, it is also legal for the doctor to help people undergo scalpel. Some countries like China and Korea even allowed doctor to advertise their profession and skills in scalpel and this mean it is legal and morally justified. According to Act-Utilitarianism, scalpel is right since it produces the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for the society. This is because beautiful appearance of one person can create happiness for themselves or even the people around them. Moreover, it also create job opportunities for doctor who running scalpel business. Finally, everyone is happy with this activity and thus it produces the greatest balance of pleasure over pain fo r all parties. First, there is no specific biblical prohibition against changing the appearance of our physical bodies. Second, we do not consider other means to improve our outward appearance unethical. For example, few would argue that all forms of makeup, grooming, and fashionable clothing are intrinsically immoral behaviors. In short, the freedom we have in Christ along with the guidance of our own conscience should lead us regarding behaviors that are not specifically prohibited. For this reason, I can find no reason to find cosmetic surgery intrinsically immoral. As quoted from (Richard J. Poupard, 2010) This statement explains that scalpel is as normal as grooming and fashionable clothing. Therefore, women undergo scalpel in order to search for beauty is a morally justified action. According to Rule-Utilitarianism, it is also right if it conform to a set of rules the general acceptances of which will produce the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone. For example, there are people who undergo scalpel to correct their skin which damaged by fire is a pleasure for them and their family as well.
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Hero of Our Time - Gregoriy Pechorin is No Hero Essay examples -- H
A Hero of Our Time  - Gregoriy Pechorin is No Hero Is Pechorin, the protagonist of Mikhail Lermontov's novella A Hero of Our Time an honorable man? Much of Pechorin's behavior proves him to be a cruel and insensitive man, who seems to bring only havoc and destruction to a situation. He is often aggravating, self-serving and insensitive to others. However in other instances, Pechorin proves himself to be the least reprehensible character. He shows himself to be a man with great self knowledge and knowledge of human behavior.    Pechorin can be seen as a dangerous man, who is insensitive and manipulative to others for self-serving reasons to the point of their destruction. Over the course of this book, A Hero of Our Time, Pechorin plays a major role, whether intentionally or recklessly, in the cruel destruction of four secondary characters: Princess Mary, Grushnitsky, Bela and Maxim Maximych.    Pechorin finds entertainment in playing with people's lives and emotions. Princess Mary, the young beautiful and slightly pompous Moscow princess and Grushnitisky, a young, arrogant, superficial and self-centered cadet, two young people beginning to fall in love, are Pechorin's victims. "The stage is set," Pechorin cries, delighted, to his friend Dr. Werner, "We'll see if we can provide a denouement for this comedy. Evidently fate means to see that I am not bored."(102-103) Envious of their happiness, particularly Grushnitsky's, as well as their utter blindness, Pechorin takes it upon himself to make sure their relationship is obliterated. He uses their individual and human weakness against them.    The most manipulated character of this novel is Princess Mary. The majority of her interactions with Pechorin serve only to... ... be truly blamed for his behavior because he is tormented by eyes that seek truth and purity in a corrupt and deranged society. Pechorin is a man of contradictions, for he writes honestly to himself, "I was born with a passion for contradiction. My whole life has been nothing but a series of dismal, unsuccessful attempts to go against heart or reason." (98)    Pechorin is a contradiction within himself. He is a disturbing and dangerous character masked behind the innocent facade of a beautiful and heroic young man. His redeeming quality is that he understands this about himself. However it isn't enough.  Works Cited and Consulted Brown, William Edward. ed. Critical Essays on Mikhail Lermontov. Boston: G. K. Hall & Co., 1997. Lermontov, Mikhail. A Hero of Our Time. Ed. Neil Cornwall. Trans. Martin Parker. Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle, 1995.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Reparations: African Americans Justice Essay
The United States government should pay reparations to African Americans as a means of admitting their wrong-doing and making amends. The damages African Americans have sustained from White America’s policy of slavery have been agonizing and inhumane. Therefore, I am in favor of reparations for African Americans. The effect of slavery has been an enduring issue within the African American community. Many of us are cognizant of the harm racism brought to the African American race, conveyed through slavery, racial segregation and discrimination. African Americans suffered many atrocities, but the greatest damage done to them was the destruction of they’re original identity. African Americans no longer have a native language or any African customs to connect them to Africa. Today, African Americans are connected together because they all share a common foundation-the horrendous experience of slavery-and the great effort to conquer its lingering result. (www. AcedemicLibrary. com) Americans should realize the magnitude of slavery’s consequences on African Americans as a whole. Blacks were brainwashed and stripped of self-esteem and taught to be ashamed of dark color of their skin. Many African Americans have effortlessly tried to advocate â€Å"Black Pride†, trying to re-instill self-worth and being proud of our distinct facial and body features, and darker complexions. African Americans had zilch to begin with after the abolishment of slavery in 1865. Slaves were promised a â€Å"mule/ and 40 acres†and they didn’t live to receive it nor did generations to follow; because the American government has yet to live up to its word. The fruit of the slaves’ labor was stolen from the â€Å"land of the free†. The victims of the White people’s African slave trade never experienced such freedom. This race deserves compensation for the mistreatment Pongee Bryant it has suffered and continues to endure. Paying reparations to the descendants of African American slaves would bring about a tremendous improvement for the advancement of Black America. (Douglass, Fredrick, 1845, Narrative of the life of Fredrick Douglass). White Americans have profited from education, life experiences, riches that were handed down by their ancestors. As well, African Americans have been handed down the hardship of race-related issues, poverty, and the unknown history of their past. African Americans have constantly been inflicted with the social status of their low-income level in contrast with that of White Americans. America should be ashamed for their mistreatment of a race that did not ask or even desire to reside in this country. Yet, they still wear their ugly face of racism, and discrimination, and only seek to segregate African Americans, as if they were at fault. Americans may argue Blacks shouldn’t be complaining, whining, and to pull themselves up by their boot straps. Well, Martin Luther King once said â€Å"White America wants us to pull ourselves up from our boot straps, but we don’t have any boots†. (Shuttlesworth, Fred, 1999, A Fire You Can’t Put Out). The U. S. government has a moral responsibility to this race of people to compensate, African American’s because they were denied their heritage, religion, family, and culture. America alleges it is a religious-based country and their faith resides in God. The bible says: â€Å"If a man steal an ox, or a sheep, and kill it, or sell it; he shall restore five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep. †This country consistently contradicts itself in the way it wants to be perceived. If America has any belief in God, they should feel an obligation to compensate the African American descendants of slave ancestors. (Exodus 22, Bible). Pongee Bryant White Americans may argue that the country did enough when it passed the Civil Rights Act in 1960. They may also state America has enough resources and equal opportunity for each individual of every race to succeed. However, there is a huge wealth gap in social status among blacks and whites mostly because of oppression, discrimination and racism toward the modern day contemporary black. Whether anybody wants to admit it, there is still a glass ceiling (i. e. ,a status barrier) against African Americans. Reparations would bring African Americans justice and economic power in this country. There are numerous black reparation organizations which could receive the money and distribute it evenly among African Americans, to incorporate black-owned businesses, home ownership, and better education selective for young and old blacks. These reparation organizations could also invest money into smaller black-owned businesses, and other industries that would further the African American race, and ensure a rapid growth of African American middle-class and beyond. (Robert J. Brym/ John Lie, Sociology) The exploitation of African Americans in this country took on many forms through decades. The centuries of slavery in this country laid the foundation of our current relationship to America. From cotton fields to building America’s most significant buildings African Americans have helped build the wealth in this country. Yet, the African American race has endured the most terrorism from the Ku Klux Klan, lynchings, plantation jails, police torture and murder, and poverty. Slavery was a crime against humanity; and it still is in existence in many other ways and forms. America has created a system with, voter discrimination, drugs, and drug sentences to keep the African Pongee Bryant American man enslaved. The government should compensate the African American race and put an end to a never-ending oppression cycle. The government of the United States of America was instrumental in having pressured the German and Japanese governments into the payments of reparations to the people who suffered and survived the crimes and legacy of slavery endured during World War II. The government of the United States has also already paid reparations to the Japanese-Americans who were detained in concentration camps during World War II. America calls herself a fair nation: a civilized country which respects civil and human rights, encourages opportunity for and well-being of all her people, and can be trusted by other nations as a county whom honors her word. Well, America promised African Americans 40 acres and a mule and didn’t live up to her promise. America’s attitude and silence on reparations reeks of hypocrisy. (X, Malcolm, Biography of Malcolm X). America should also pay reparations to African Americans because they consistently want us to labor for their work and take all the credit. For instance America is at fault for African American dead and injured men who served and were drafted in the Vietnam War. America put young black men on the front-line of a war they had nothing to do with nor helped contribute to. America wanted a race that was not yet â€Å"capable†of voting but was competent enough to fight in a war. A race that did not have the option of drinking from any fountain, sitting anywhere on a bus, using any bathroom, however we were fit for fighting. The point is America constantly benefits from African Americans, but refuses to compensate African Americans for their contributions to this country. (www. AcedemicLibrary. com).
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Non-Residential Construction Market In Central Europe
Investors, developers and other professionals involved in the industry need a comprehensive source of data, insightful analysis and reliable forecasts to help them navigate the Netscape and locate the prospects that are most beneficial for their unique business needs. Browse Full Report With TCO: http://www. Nonrepresentational. Blob/analyses-details/ non-residential for-2014-2019 Non-residential construction market in Central Europe 2014, Development forecasts for 2014-2019 Is precisely that type of publication.The perfect business intelligence resource for use when launching new business operations, locating projects for participation or effecting a merger or calculation In this market, the report also resents strong and accurate forecasts for the market and each of its noteworthy segments. This document provides in-depth descriptions of current conditions as they exist in the overall Central European non-residential construction market and in the individual markets and segments In seven countries: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia.It presents data on value, structure and total numbers of building permits issued for the overall markets and for the non- residential construction sectors in each country, along with detailed forecasts for development. To Download Full Report with TCO: http://www. Nonrepresentational. Blob/sample/ sample/206558 Browse the market prospects and upcoming new construction and renovation projects planned for office buildings, professional services spaces, retail areas and industrial and warehouse structures.Read about the leading contractors in each country and study the plans of regional commercial real estate developers to build, renovate and reposes structures to match the needs of new and existing business European region. Explore the market for office space in each of these seven countries and find out which top investors are driving growth, and evaluate the retail sector in terms of pla ns for new, modern structures and renovation of existing spaces to fit the specific requirements of a variety of customers.Review Non-residential construction market in Central Europe 2014, Development forecasts for 2014-2019 for a clear understanding of recent, current and forecast trends and events that promise to alter the shape of growth in this sector of the construction market. Whether preparing to launch a new business, evaluate the prospects for future earnings, estimating the market share of a particular company r effecting a merger or acquisition in any of the segments of markets in these seven Central European countries, this report helps professionals to approach business planning from a confident perspective.To Read Complete Report with TCO: http://www. Nonrepresentational. Biz/analysis/ 206558 Especially valuable to contractors, producers of building materials and equipment and design and project management specialists, the client list for this publication also include s business consultants, financial and investment professionals, academic ND government institutions and trade and industry organizations that promote the non-residential construction industries in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia.
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