Saturday, January 25, 2020
Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston :: essays research papers
Delia, a flower in a rough of weeds. That is what I got from this story in one sentence, although knowing my grammar possibly not. Hurston’s tale of a shattered woman, gives us a glimpse into what was possibly the life of women at that time. There were many convictions against men in the story, although it may have been unintentional, not to say she was a hard-core feminist there were episodes of male remorse. Narrator, this was a third person account, thus leaving much to the imagination. The conversation’s language was left as if truly taken from an African American speaker in the south in such a time. The way Hurston made the scenery appear before me was like a white sheet gets stained with red wine, unable to wash out of my mind. The narration was very brut in a grammatical manner, giving a wash bucket effect of never being settled. Many of the story’s aspects were dominated by setting a slow rise and crashing climax. There were many such climaxes, Pg. 2, Pg. 7, and Pg. 9, give this such evidence. The flow kept me interested, and would grasp my attention as a TV show would. Although is context was far from a TV show. There was much talk about civil lifestyles by the town folk, which were a particularly an odd selection of people to intervene in such a story. Although the reaction witnessed by this allowed us to get another insight, from a second person perspective. Hurston was very clear about here point of irony, especially by the ending. Hurston kept constant the folk lore style of story telling, by keeping a moral to the story. Many of the stories aspects in moral were shown indistinctively. There were not many hidden messages, Hurston made the story clear to let us easily grasp the moral. There were fore-telling of the end through out the story, such as in the 1st paragraph Pg.
Friday, January 17, 2020
How to Govern Effectively In a Corrupt Society Essay
Corruption can be simply defined as an act of dishonesty for the sole purpose of personal gain or selfish interest. It invariably means dishonest exploitations and manipulation of power for personal gains. Again, it means an immoral act of manipulation or depravity of material, power etc for ones selfish interest. To divorce the third world countries from corruption is literally a Herculean task. In as much as corruption, a great social vice, is not only found in third world countries, it is quite peculiar and most profound in these nations. It afflicts all nations with bad leaders, which eventually spreads to other citizens. In any government, be it democratically elected or otherwise, it is almost impossible not to have at least a single corrupt individual in the ruling government. Corruption is a vicious circle, it inhibits development in nations, and thus bestowing such nation a third world country features. There are several types of corruption, which include; Bribery; illegal collection of money or material before doing one’s official duty Graft; illicit and illegal request of things by public office holders. Patronage; misuse of public position. Embezzlement; misappropriation and mismanagement of fund Kickbacks nvolvement in organized crime etc. Other type of corruption apart from and political corruption include; â€Å"Corporate corruption, as the abuse of power by corporate managers against the shareholders or consumers†. Causes of Corruption include; i. Lack of transparency in the government; when the governments’ activities are not easily accessible by the general public, the government tend to mismanage the public’s fund and also indulge in all sort of corrupt practices. ii. Bad leaders; Corruption leaders do not only embezzle, them also do all sort immoral acts while in government. iii. Masses lack of interest in the government; when the general public is not charismatic and is not particular in electing good leaders in to government, it results in corruption. iv. Irresponsive government; when government do not have programs that take care of the welfare and economic affairs of it citizen, citizen tend to take care of themselves in all sort of ways both fraudulent and corrupt ways. v. Weak accountability, lack of timely financial management. vi. Poverty; in a society where poverty is vast, the masses tend to indulge in corruption to improve their finances. However, Political corruption is the most severe type of corruption for it affects not only the political system, it affects the entire economy of the nation. The Economic effects include; In the government, corruption undermines both economic and social development by creating distortions, extortion of the masses and inefficiency in the public office. It also brings about nepotism, which kills creativity and a value of self achievement. In the private sector, corruption simply increases the cost of production through the price of â€Å"illegal payments and the management cost of negotiating with officials†. It also leads to breached agreements, distrust and inflation. In several cases, the masses are the victims of corruption, it results into economic distortions in the public sector by diverting public investment into capital projects where bribes and kickbacks are more plentiful. Again, tax payers money are diverted into private use by corrupt leaders. Social amenities are either not provided or the few available are not maintained. Public â€Å"Officials may increase the technical complexity of public sector projects to conceal or pave way for such dealings, thus further distorting investment. Corruption also lowers compliance with construction, environmental, or other regulations, reduces the quality of government services and infrastructure, and increases budgetary pressures on government†. Types of leaders that could handle Corruptions; The leaders that should be elected to tackle corruption are leaders which are well vast in democratic process. They should be well educated both in the history of their people and the development of democracy in the western world. To take a tip from the philosophers, a true ruler must highly intelligent, learned and well expose to democratic precedents. Again such leaders should be contentious, level headed, god fearing, incorrigible and most especially must be ready pursue democratic due process in all cases. A patriotic leader would not want his/her nation to be backward, hence would fight all corrupts advances proffered towards the development of the nation. Reference Dipo Irele, Corruption the evil against development. University press,Oyo state,Nigeria. 2002
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Personal Journal Past Experiences Shaping Future Career...
Understanding the impact of past experiences, the resulting feelings and beliefs and the resulting impact on how individuals view the world effects the way individuals in a social work perspective approach practice (Chenoweth Mcauliffe, 2005). Gambrill (2005) argues about the importance of self-knowledge in understanding an individuals own strengths and limitations, while Thompson (2000) expanded on this idea including understanding how the use of self impacts on theory and knowledge. This essay will provide a reflective description and analysis of the impact of important personal and professional practice on my future practice in the social work profession. First a descriptive overview of key past family issue will be provided and a†¦show more content†¦Being in child car did not have a negative effect but rather I believe that having a constant and stable ‘mother figure’ I found in the day-care mother had a very positive influence on my personality developmen t, in particular my conscientiousness and my positive outlook. Such an impact can be explained with the person environment fit theory (Caplan, 1987), with the day-care environment meeting my emotional and physical needs which were not being met in the home environment. I believe that being home alone most nights at the age of 10 greatly impacted on my current anxiety levels as I often experienced anxiety hearing noises and movement which kept me up late at night. Remarried When I was 15 my father remarried to a woman from Thailand who was 25 years old (10 years older than me), she gave birth to my sister when I was 15. It is difficult adjusting to having a new person join your family, but we all found it particularly difficult trying to adjust to the new family structure and the cultural differences and expectations. My fathers’ new wife often expressed anger to my father about me, she was homesick for several years and often took this out on my father in an emotionally abusive way. She often refused to speak for several days and threatened to leave my father and commit suicide with my little sister. Amato(2005) identified the formation of a stepfamily as having aShow MoreRelatedEssay Experiential Methods for Acquiring Self-Knowledge1509 Words  | 7 Pagesdirection of their career journey? Various strategies have been developed to provide guidance toward this end; however, as the realities of work change due to such factors as glo bal competition and new technologies, it is necessary to develop new awareness of self in relation to work. 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I can still remember how anxious I was in my first Leadership class. When Paul de Beer introduced us to the Leadership module, I realized that this will be a very rewarding course for me, almost like a movie with me in the lead role. Now, busy with my last leadership assignment, I can say that this was really the most rewarding module of the whole MBA. From the start, I could see that my past definitely played a huge role in who I am
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