Thursday, May 7, 2020
Single Parent Homes and Academic Achievement - 3189 Words
| Single-Parent Homes | The Effect of Single-Parent Homes on Academic Achievement | | | Abstract Children from single parent homes are not as negatively impacted academically as some in the popular media suggest. The number of children living in single-parent homes has risen dramatically over the last 10 years. Despite prior research stating that single-parenting itself has a negative impact on academic achievement, new findings show that it is other social and environmental factors that have a much greater impact. There are several theories that can be used to study the way family structure influences academic achievement, as well as to demonstrate the influence of other factors such as poverty and family resources. When these†¦show more content†¦One article stated: Although similar to each other, adolescents in single-mother and stepfather family structures had lower grades and vocabulary scores compared to their two-biological-parent counterparts. In these family structures, the academic outcomes were more likely related to mothers’ race, education, monitoring, and attachment, than family structure. (Shriner, 2010, p. 446) Academic Achievement The phrase academic achievement refers to the level of mastery in certain subject areas, not including one’s potential to achieve (Center for American Progress, 2006). Beginning with the No Child Left Behind Act, states are required to measure academic achievement of public school students using standardized tests and other tools (Center for American Progress, 2006). There has been much debate over the effect of single-parenting on children’s academic achievement. Some studies have shown that children from single-parent homes do not perform as well in school and have higher dropout rates than children from two-parent homes (Entwisle, 1996). In 1988, it was reported that the rate of grade repetition for children of single parents was 75% higher than children from nuclear families (Entwisle, 1996). Other studies have stated that children from single-parent homes are less likely to attend college and perform less well on standardized tests (Hampden-Thompson,Show MoreRelatedThe Consequences For A Child1446 Words  | 6 Pagesa Child in a Single Parent Household It is a well-known fact that single parent families provide less than optimal environments for raising children regardless of the country. The quality of parenting is less when compared to those children who live at home with both of their parents. 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